big news in your small town
Our Story
We at The Post aim to embrace the uniqueness of our small town by enriching and empowering its residents and businesses. We hope to help bridge existing gaps, report worthy news in a fair and unbiased manner, and bring a creative, yet professional publication to the deserving people of Pleasant View and beyond.
In every issue, you will find an in-depth business spotlight, a brain teaser, articles from local students working toward an internship, professional photographs, and sections ranging from Lifestyles to The Younger Generation.
*COVID-19 Update: We have temporarily halted printing and mailing to accommodate our advertisers' strict budgets and our team's safety. We are currently operating online only but are still providing the same timely, local, and trustworthy news our readers expect. Please continue to support the businesses who advertise with us!
Amy Hill is a Pleasant View resident who started The Post with a dream to do something meaningful, impactful, and that would truly make a difference in her community. She has a degree in mass communications/media management and was the copy editor of her college newspaper. She has been a freelance writer and editor for the past 21 years.
Micca Terrell, Ti Rogers, and Daryell Smith make up the rest of the team providing articles, ad design, photos, and sports.