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Tribute to Marie Anglin: Former Extension Director

Mrs. Marie Anglin, retired UT/TSU Cheatham County Extension Director, was laid to rest on Saturday, April 18th. Many Cheatham County residents were impacted by her life and career. She was born and raised in rural Decatur County, TN, and grew up to be a lady with many accomplishments. As a teenager, she was a National 4-H winner. After graduating from the University of Tennessee, with her Master’s degree, she spent 39 years in the workforce. Twenty six of those years she served Cheatham County as a 4-H and Family Consumer Science Agent and eventually, County Director, until her retirement in 2001. Over her career, she received numerous awards for her leadership and she traveled extensively around the world. Even in her retirement years, she was still serving as state treasurer for the Association of Retired Federal Workers.

Although Mrs. Marie Anglin served on numerous boards, committees, and taught both youth and adults through Extension educational programs, her main impact was on the lives of the people she touched. She poured her heart and soul into serving others. Below are some thoughts from some of us who had the privilege to serve under her leadership:

In April 2000, I was hired by Mrs. Anglin to conduct both horticulture and 4-H programming in Cheatham County. I will forever be grateful to her giving me this opportunity that I still love 20 years later. Working for her was a learning experience. The most important lessons I learned were to work hard, care about the people you work with and don’t let anyone tell you that you cannot do something. Mrs. Anglin was one of the first (if not the first) female County Directors in Tennessee Extension and she had to overcome many obstacles to get to that position. Her strength and leadership still inspire me today. She absolutely loved her job and the people of Cheatham County. I loved hearing about her travel adventures and her grandsons who were the absolute light of her life. Mrs. Anglin taught so many of us important life lessons and she will truly be missed. Her legacy lives on in Cheatham County through the work of our office- the UT and TSU Cheatham County Extension Office. –Sierra Knaus, UT/TSU Cheatham County Extension Agent.

I lost a very special friend on April 14, 2020. I met Marie back in 1998 when she hired me as her 4H Program Assistant. I wasn’t sure just what all I’d be doing for the next 17 years, but I learned more from this wonderful lady than I would have dreamed. She helped me sharpen my skills by taking me to the 4-H Leader in-service programs at Regional level. This opened many doors for me and allowed me to travel to parts of Middle Tennessee that I had never seen. Through the years we became good friends and after her retirement, we became like family. She was like a second mom to me and I will miss her dearly. Kathy Nicholson –former UT/TSU Cheatham County Extension 4-H Program Assistant.

From 1981 thru 1988 I had the privilege to work with Mrs. Marie Anglin in the Cheatham County office of the UT Agriculture Extension Service (as it was called at that time). During most of that time, our office only had two agents and one secretary. Mrs. Anglin and I met with over forty 4-H Clubs throughout Cheatham County during the school year. She prided herself in maintaining a positive image for the Extension Service within the county. Serving the residents and answering their questions and/or making recommendations was our top priority. She taught me the answer "I don't know" was valid, as long as it was followed up with "but I will find out the information for you". Even after moving onto to another job opportunity, my family continued to be involved with her over for the next 30 years, through many 4-H, County Fair, and Family Consumer Science activities. She was truly an amazing person.” – Kenneth Smith, former UT Cheatham County Extension Agent

Mrs. Anglin was an influential person in my life. She was a mentor, teacher, encourager, friend, and became like family. Mrs. Anglin was well connected in the county and she introduced me to so many people that I had the pleasure of working with during my time there. She was the bridge to the community for me, and over time I learned to make contacts and build relationships. She was truly a kind person and a positive influence on the 4-H youth, FCE members, farmers and families that she served through her work. She was a very positive influence in my life and I am better for it. She was part of my family professionally, and felt like family personally. I will miss our talks and time together catching up on what was going on in Cheatham County and with her family. She was a lifelong 4-H member. She did as the 4-H motto notes “To Make the Best Better.” – Nancy Rucker, Extension Director, Hamilton County – former UT/TSU Extension Director, Cheatham County

In October 1993, Mrs. Marie Anglin hired me to serve in the split-roll position of Adult/4-H Youth Agriculture for the Cheatham County -UT Agricultural Extension Service (as it was called at that time). I greatly appreciate the fact that she took a chance on me, as she had high expectations for each of her staff members in serving the folks of our county through Extension Educational programs. She set a very high standard for fiscal responsibility and taught me the great importance of being a leader in my “new” community. She earned great respect from the people she served, because she really cared for others. Even after her retirement, she continued to be a part of our extension family. We still consider her the “Matriarch” of the UT/TSU Cheatham County Extension office. – Ronnie Barron, UT/TSU Cheatham County Extension Director


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