Eligible Cheatham County voters can request ballots to vote absentee by-mail for the Aug. 6 State and Federal Primary and County General election. Requests must be received by the Cheatham County election commission no later than seven (7) days before the election. For the Aug. 6 State and Federal Primary and County General Election, complete absentee by-mail requests must be received by July 30.
“Our office is working hard to process absentee by-mail ballot requests for the August election,” said Pam Frejosky. “I encourage Cheatham County voters to make your request now.”
Tennessee state law provides numerous ways to vote absentee by-mail. One of the most popular reasons to vote absentee is being 60 years or older. Other reasons allowed under state law to vote by-mail include:
The voter will be outside the county where they vote during the early voting period and all day on Election Day.
The voter or the voter’s spouse is enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited college or university outside the county of registration.
The voter will be unable to vote in person due to service as a juror.
The voter is hospitalized, ill or physically disabled and because of such condition, cannot vote in person.
The voter is a caretaker of a person who is hospitalized, ill or disabled.
The voter will be working as a poll official.
The voter is a member of the military and out of the county where they vote.
For a list of all statutory reasons to vote absentee by-mail go to https://cheathamcountytn.gov/election_commission.html or GoVoteTN.com.
For voters who meet a reason under Tennessee law to vote absentee by-mail, the next step is to submit a written request to the Cheatham County Election Commission by mail, fax or email.