Ashland City Mayor Steve Allen is resigning (Photo: Facebook)
BY: Micca Terrell
Steve Allen, Mayor of the Town of Ashland City, is stepping down from his post. According to Allen’s attorney, Worrick Robinson IV of Nashville, Tenn., the mayor notified the community and council of his decision to resign at a special called city council meeting Tuesday, May 17. The resignation followed an investigation by the attorney for the Town of Ashland City as well as state officials.
During a special called meeting on April 26, city council members had unanimously approved a measure to ask Jennifer Noe, attorney for the Town of Ashland City, to move forward with proceedings to strip Allen of his powers as soon as possible after Noe outlined the findings of an investigation into allegations of ethics violations against Allen. Noe’s findings showed two city employees, heads of the Fire Department and Parks Department, had reported Allen had behaved in separate instances in a manner which violated the city’s Code of Ethics.
In addition, Noe’s report included the investigation by the State Comptroller’s Office. Surveillance footage from state investigators showed Allen allegedly using the city’s lawnmower for personal use. Allen is also accused of using a city-issued credit card for more than $3,200 in meals without documentation. Allen was indicted on official misconduct charges in November 2021. The status of his case is not clear.
The attorney for the Town of Ashland City and the District Attorney General were not able to provide comment by the deadline for this article.
