The Saint Thomas Mobile Mammography unit will be at the Livery Stables in Pleasant View on Saturday, April 24.
The mobile unit will be available between the hours of 8AM and 4PM but will be closed from 12PM- 1PM for lunch.
The Livery Stables is located at 1104 Main Street.
To make an appointment, call (615) 746-8992.
The unit is designed to screen women who meet the following criteria:
-40 or older
-Not experiencing breast problems
-Not diagnosed with breast cancer in past 3 years
-Not being followed by a physician for breast problems
-Not pregnant
-Not breastfeeding
-A year has passed since last screening
On the day of your mammogram, women are encouraged to wear a two-piece outfit that makes it easy to undress above the waist. Deodorant, perfume, powders, or ointments on your breasts should not be worn. Deodorant will be provided for use after the exam.
Please bring your insurance card to your appointment. Financial assistance is available for those who qualify.